PÄIVI RINTANIEMI is an awarded sculptor and designer from Finland.
She has graduated as Master of Arts from the University of Art and Design in Helsinki (Aalto University).
Rintaniemi is the Premio Faenza °58 main prize winner and her sculptures has been exhibited all over the world.
Currently you can find Rintaniemi´s art in Finland, Belgium and Italy.
Artist Statement - in English
I am of an observant nature and interested in the miracle of life. The mystery of our existence is a riddle that I study from different angles in my works. My passion is to tell stories about people and the challenges of being a human, in figures, stylized shapes or abstract forms. Shapes and dimensions are my starting point when I begin to plan a new piece of art.
My main material is clay. It is versatile and fascinating in its plasticity, and challenges me to do meditative work. At the same time it has a strong will, which demands method, and to allow time for the process. Large pieces require patience as well as techical and physical investment, but at their best they may also foster expressivity.
PORTRAITS OF CHANGE are large sculptures that anticipate or express maturing and change. They feature an alliance of fragility and power.
FIGUR and POPULUS -sculptures tell about life and about human interaction. Their sizes are about 5 to 20 cm.
I also realize commissioned works for both public spaces and private homes.
Biography - in English
Päivi Rintaniemi, born Blomberg, was born in Nurmo, Finland. She graduated as Master of Arts from the University of Art and Design in Helsinki, today known as the Aalto University. The varied art disciplines at university gave her solid professional skills for both design and sculpture.
After her studies, Rintaniemi concentrated mainly on designing and manufacturing utility articles. She has taken her Amfora products to important international design exhibitions and collaborated with stores and galleries, for example the Conran Shop in Europe, and Actus Interior in Japan.
Sculpture was always an important counterbalance for her rational and systematic work, and thanks to a three-year award granted to her in 2003, she was able to focus more on her art. Rintaniemi’s starting point for structuring her works of art are shape and dimensions. Her works are characterized by her manner of processing clay, which is also often an important factor in the nature and narrative of her sculptures. Along the years, colours have been replaced by structured surfaces and earthy tones. Rintaniemi’s artistic work is meditative and there is an interaction between the material and the themes of the artworks.
Rintaniemi looks at people from a psychological perspective. She is interested in how people function, their relationship with existence and life, moods, reactions, and also the causal connections in it all. Through her work, Rintaniemi wants to unveil her relationship with nature, and to let her audience appreciate the uniqueness and miracles of life. She wants to bring forth the great importance of the little things in life, and everyone’s need to be heard and accepted.
An alliance of power and fragility is central in Rintaniemi’s large and visually delicate sculptures, and it is also the very effect that often first draws the watchers’ attention. Opposites and counterforces, their relations and interaction, are a way for the artist to speak out and to process the chaos in both the society and the individual. Humor also forms part of her attitude towards the world.
Päivi Rintaniemi’s work has been recognized both nationally and abroad. She received the Finnish designer award in 2008, and the first prize at the International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art in Faenza, Italy, in 2013. The media has published numerous articles and news items about her works, and she has participated in many juried art shows in Finland and abroad. Her works can be found in Finnish national collections and museums, as well as in private collections.
Currently Rintaniemi is working on new pieces for future shows. Dance art, films, music and painting all inspire her. Among the most important artists for her are painter Helene Schjerfbeck, sculptor Kain Tapper, and Richard Long, a conceptual artist.
Artist Statement - suomeksi
Olen luonteeltani tarkkailija ja kiinnostunut elämästä ja sen ihmeestä. Olemassaolomme salaperäisyys on arvoitus, jota pohdin teoksissani erilaisista näkökulmista. Intohimoni on kertoa tarinoita ihmisestä ja ihmisenä olemisen haasteista figureina, tyyliteltyinä hahmoina tai abstrakteina muotoina. Muodot ja mittasuhteet ovat lähtökohtani hahmotellessani uutta teosta.
Päämateriaalini on savi. Se on monipuolinen ja plastisuudessaan kiehtova materiaali ja haastaa meditatiiviseen työskentelyyn. Mutta samalla sillä on myös vahva tahto, mikä vaatii työskentelyltä suunnitelmallisuutta ja prosessille on sallittava aikaa. Kookkaat teokset vaativat kärsivällisyyttä sekä teknistä ja fyysistä panostusta, mutta saattavat parhaimmillaan ruokkia myös ilmaisua.
MUUTOKSEN MUOTOKUVAT ovat kookkaita kypsymistä ja muutosta enteileviä tai ilmaisevia veistoksia. Teoksille on ominaista haurauden ja voiman liitto.
FIGURIT ja POPULUS-hahmot ovat elämästä sekä ihmisten keskinäisestä vuorovaikutuksesta kertovia veistoksia. Kooltaan teokset ovat noin 5-20 cm.
Toteutan myös tilaustöitä sekä julkisiin tiloihin että koteihin.
Biography - suomeksi
Päivi Rintaniemi (os.Blomberg) on valmistunut Taiteen Maisteriksi Helsingin Taideteollisesta Korkeakoulusta, nykyisestä Aalto Yliopistosta. Monipuolinen taidekoulutus antoi hyvän ammattitaidon sekä muotoilijan, että kuvanveistäjän työhön.
Amfora tuotemerkillä valmistamillaan käyttö- ja sisustusesineillä hän on osallistunut merkittäville kansainvälisille design alan messuille ja tehnyt yhteistyötä mm. The Condan shopin kanssa Euroopassa ja Actus-interiorin kanssa Japanissa.
Kuvanveisto on ollut tärkeä vastapaino muotoilijan rationaaliselle ja systemaattiselle työskentelylle ja mm. 2003 Rintaniemelle myönnetty kolmevuotinen apuraha mahdollisti keskittymisen taiteelliseen työhön. Muoto ja mittasuhteet ovat hänen lähtökohta jäsentää teoksiaan. Veistoksille tunnusomaista on myös saven käsittelytapa, mikä on usein keskeinen osa teoksien luonnetta ja kerrontaa. Vuosien myötä värit teoksissa ovat korvautuneet pinnoilla ja maanläheisillä sävyillä. Taiteilijan työskentely on meditatiivista ja vuorovaikutteista materiaalin ja teoksien aiheiden välillä.
Rintaniemen työskentelyn eräs teema on tarkastella ihmistä psykologisesta näkökulmasta. Häntä kiinnostaa ihmisten tapa toimia, sekä suhde olemassaoloon ja elämään, tunnetilat, reaktiot ja syy- ja seuraussuhteet. Teoksillaan taiteilija haluaa avata suhdettaan luontoon, kiinnittää katsojan huomiota ainutkertaiseen elämään ja ihmeiden havaitsemiseen. Hän haluaa tuoda esiin pienten yksityiskohtien suuren merkityksen elämässä ja jokaisen tarpeen tulla kuulluksi ja hyväksytyksi.
Kookkaissa, visuaalisesti herkissä teoksissa keskeistä on voiman ja haurauden liitto, johon katsoja usein kiinnittää ensimmäisenä huomionsa. Vastakohdat ja -voimat, niiden suhteet ja vuorovaikutus ovat taiteilijalle keino ottaa kantaa ja käsitellä kaaosta sekä yhteiskunnassa, että yksilössä. Myös huumori on osa hänen tapaansa tarkastella asioita.
Teoksillaan taiteilija on saanut tunnustusta ja huomiota sekä kotimaassa, että ulkomailla. Hänelle on myönnetty mm. Muotoilun valtionpalkinto 2008, sekä Faenzan kansainvälisen keramiikkamuseon 58° Premio Faenza pääpalkinto Italiassa 2013. Rintaniemen työskentelystä on julkaistu useita artikkeleita ja uutisia, ja hän on osallistunut useisiin jurytettyihin näyttelyihin Suomessa ja ulkomailla. Hänen teoksiaan löytyy niin Suomen valtion ja museoiden kokoelmista kuin yksityisiltä keräilijöiltä.
Parhaillaan Rintaniemi työskentelee uusien teosten parissa tulevia näyttelyitä varten. Tanssitaide, elokuvat, musiikki sekä maalaustaide inspiroivat Rintaniemeä. Kuvataiteilijoista merkittävimpiä hänelle ovat mm. taidemaalari Helene Schjerfbeck, kuvanveistäjä Kain Tapper sekä käsitetaiteilija Richard Long.
curriculum vitae
1987 Master of Art, University of Art and Design in Helsinki (Aalto University)
1994 Pedagogue of Art, University of Art and Design in Helsinki (Aalto University)
The Craft Museum of Finland, Jyväskylä, Finland / Seinäjoki City / Merita Bank, Kauhava, Finland / Keski-Pohjanmaa Central Hospital, Kokkola, Finland / Härmä Rehab Center, Ylihärmä, Finland / Etelä-Pohjanmaan Osuuspankki, Seinäjoki, Finland / Seinäjoki Church,Seinäjoki, Finland / Korso Church Korso, Finland / Table ware Finnish Embassadors abroad / Ostrobothnian museum,Vaasa, Finland / Designmuseum, Helsinki, Finland / Finnish State / Seinäjoen Energia Seinäjoki, Finland / Nordea bank Stockholm, Sweden / Museo internazionale delle ceramiche in Faenza Italy
The 1st prize in invitation competition of the Pruukinranta area, Seinäjoki, Finland
Honorable Mention, MINO the 10th International Ceramics Competition Japan
The Main Prize, 58° Premio Faenza, Museo internazionale delle ceramiche in Faenza, Italy
Nominated for the WCC-Europe EUNIQUE Award
Culture Prize of the Southern Ostrobothnia Cultural Foundation, Finland
The State Prize for Design 2008, Design Council of Finland
Golden Skills Award, The Finnish Crafts Association
Artturi Leinonen Cultural Prize
Näkijän Pallo, Cultural Prize of the Ostrobothnia Arts Commission
Cultural Prize of Seinäjoki City
Craft of the Year in Finland
Ornamo Scholarship
2016 A.I.R. Vallauris, France
2014 Artists Residency Award, Officine Saffi Ceramic Art Gallery, Milan, Italy
Member of the IAC, The International Academy of Ceramics
Member of the Association of the Finnish Sculptors
Ornamo, membership of the Finnish Association of Designers / Artists O
Founding member of Konsti, the Finnish local Association of Designers and Artists
Own studio Amfora since 1986
Member of the Ostrobothnia Arts Council 2004-2006, vice President 2007-2009, President 2009
Qualification Committee in Ceramics (Representative of Ornamo) 1998-2001
Board of the Jurva Crafts and Design Institute 1994-1996
Board of the Seinäjoki District Arts School 1991-2003
Teacher at the Seinäjoki District Arts School 1991-92
Teacher of product design at the Jurva Crafts and Design Institute 1985-1994
2016 1-year Artist’s Grant for Work, the Finnish Arts Council Council
2014 Target Scholarship , the Finnish Arts Council and Ostrobothnia Arts Council
Scholarship for internationalization, Finnish Arts Council
2010 1-year Artist’s Grant for Work, the Cultural Foundation of Finland
2008 Artist’s Grant for Work, the Cultural Foundation of Southern Ostrobothnia
2007 Travel Grant, the Arts Council of Finland
2006 Working Grant, the Greta and William Lehtinen Foundation
2003–2005 3-year Artist’s Grant for Work, Ostrobothnia Arts Council
2002 Target Scholarship , Finnish Arts Council
2001 New Production Grant, Finnish Arts Council
1999 Target Scholarship, the Cultural Foundation of Southern Ostrobothnia
1996 1-year Artist’s Grant for Work, the District Arts Council
1995 Target Scholarship, the District Arts Council
1994 Target Scholarship , Finnish Arts Council
1992 Quality Production Grant, Finnish Arts Council
1991 Target Scholarship , Finnish Arts Council
1989 1-year Artist’s Grant for Work, the District Arts Council
Calix-exhibition, 4.2.-29.5.2021 Seinäjoki Kunst Hall, Finland
Seinäjoki Town Theatre, Seinäjoki, Finland
2017- 2005 Amfora Gallery, Seinäjoki, Finland
The Cathedral Crypt of Helsinki, Finland
Kaolin Gallery, Stockholm, Sweden
Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
Harri Art Centre, Alavus, Finland
ArtHelsinki, arts fair, Helsinki, Finland
Ostrobothnia Museum, Vaasa, Finland
Galleria 5, Oulu, Finland
ArtHelsinki, arts fair, Helsinki, Finland
25-year work exhibition, Seinäjoki Art Hall, Seinäjoki, Finland
Exhibitions of utility products in Central Europe and Japan
Place settings, Colmio Gallery, Oulu, Finland
Observation exhibition, Amfora Gallery, Seinäjoki, Finland
Objects exhibition, Kuortane Library, Kuortane, Finland
Design Forum, Helsinki, Finland
Utrecht, the Netherlands
Bryssel, Belgium
Bologna, Italy
Etse-exhibition, Ähtäri, Finland
Septaria Gallery, Helsinki, Finland
Design Forum, Helsinki, Finland
Invitation exhibition, Soini, Finland
IAC Finnish members exhibition, 7.5.- 10.10.2021 Korundi Museum, Rovaniemi Finland
Porvoo Art Hall, exhibition with Mollu Heino
Spazio Nobile Galleria, Brysseli, Belgia
Révélations biennale / Spazio Nobile Galleria, Paris, France
”Keep Your Garden alive”exhibition curated by SpazioNobile Gallery, the Finnish Institute, Paris, France
LoStudio Gallery, Büdingen, Germany
WCC:n European Prize for Applied Arts-Exhibition, Kilkenny, Irland
Collectible, Brussels, Belgium
WCC the European Prize for Applied Arts, Mons, Belgium
IAC Finnish members exhibition, New Taipei City, Taiwan
P Gallery, Pori, Finland
About Clay, Fiskars, Finland
Identity – Konsti Ry 30th Anniversary Exhibition, Lapua Art Museum, Finland
IAC, International Academy of Ceramics Members Exhibition, Barcelona, Spain
“Artist-in-residence”, Galerie Aqui Siam Ben, Vallauris, France
“Artist-in-residence”, Officine Saffi Gallery, Milan, Italy
TENT London, Finnish Pavillion, London, UK
Collect Internatianal Art Fair, Saatchi Gallery with Officine Saffi Gallery, London, UK
SOFA Art Fair with Officine Saffi Gallery, Chicago, USA
The 10th International Ceramics Competition, MINO, Japan
“Ceramic & Space”, Designmuseum, Helsinki, Finland
IAC, International Academy of Ceramics Members Exhibition, Dublin, Ireland
Officine Saffi Gallery, Milano, Italy
International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art, Faenza, Italy
Gallery LoStudio, Budingen, Germany
New Ashgate Gallery, Farnham, UK
Finnish Crafts Museum, Jyväskylä, Finland
Uusitalo Gallery, Gumbostrand, Finland
Ceramega, Voipaala Art Center, Valkeakoski, Finland
Finnish Pavilion, Eunique fair, Karlsruhe, Germany
“Connecting”, Augustionio-Skulpturpork Kunstcenter, Augustenborg, Denmark
“Connecting”, Landskrona Konsthall, Landskrona, Sweden
“Connecting”, Ostrobothnia Museum, Vaasa, Finland
Uusitalo Gallery, Billnäs, Finland
“En route” Exhibition, Hammersbach, Germany
“Connecting”, Akershus Kunstsenter, Akershus, Germany
Pyhäniemi Manor, Hollola, Finland
“Four Colourful Visions”, Dance Theatre Wimma, Art project
“Sweet Sounds”, Dance Theatre Wimma, Art project
Konsti Jubilee Exhibition, Seinäjoki Art Hall, Seinäjoki, Finland
Konsti Exhibition, Amsterdam, Netherlands
Konsti Exhibition, Budapest, Hungary
Ceramega, Voipaala Art Center, Valkeakoski, Finland
Artisaani, Jugend Hall, Helsinki, Finland
Konsti Exhibition, Nelimarkka Museum, Alajärvi, Finland
Ceramic 100, Design Museum, Helsinki, Finland
Designed brand, Dansk Design Center, Copenhagen, Denmark
“Findesign Now”, Design Forum, Helsinki, Finland
Designed brand, Design Forum, Helsinki, Finland
The trend show, Juried Design Exhibition, Germany
Main exhibition of the Finnish Crafts Museum, Jyväskylä, Finland
Find 2000, Exhibition on invitation in the nine cultural cities of Europe
Form’99, Juried Design Exhibition, Germany
Finnish design Pavillion, Frankfurt Airport, Germany
Ornamo/Taiko 15 years, Jubilee Exhibition, Verkaranta, Tampere, Finland
Mino, the international Ceramics Competition, Mino, Japan
Ornamo/Taiko, London, UK
Pro Arte, international touring exhibition, Sweden, Norway, Denmark, Estonia 1996-1998
Ornamo/Taiko, Porvoo, Finland
“Skillful hands”, Kerava Arts Museum, Kerava, Finland
Ornamo/Taiko, Lappeenranta, Finland
“Ceramega”, Voipaala Art Center, Valkeakoski, Finland
Konsti Exhibition, Seinäjoki, Finland
Design Forum, Helsinki, Finland
Konsti Exhibition, Kokkola, Pietarsaari, Finland
Group Exhibition with textile artist Jukka Vesterinen, Lempäälä, Finland
“Pro Arte”, Finnish Crafts Museum, Jyväskylä, Finland
“Classics” Ornamo/Taiko, Helsinki, Finland
Konsti Exhibition, Vaasa Art Hall, Vaasa, Finland
Konsti Exhibition, Helsinki, Finland
Konsti Exhibition, Tampere, Finland
Finnish Crafts Museum, Jyväskylä, Finland
International Competition of Contemporary Ceramic Art, Faenza, Italy
Suomi muotoilee, Finland design, Helsinki, Finland
Konsti Exhibition, Vaasa, Kuopio, Oulu, Finland
Nordic Crafts Exhibition, Jyväskylä, Finland
Design Forum, Helsinki, Finland
Konsti Exhibition, Kokkola, Finland
Suomi muotoilee, Finland design, Helsinki, Finland
Potti Pilkkumi, national touring exhibition of crafts
Ornamo/Taiko, Helsinki, Finland